Last week was our first real taste of warm spring weather and we made the most of it by tending to the gardens. In the first days of April I planted shelling and snap peas along with carrots, beets and radishes, all heirloom varieties. The radish were the first to sprout followed by the peas and beets as expected, the carrots take a little longer to germinate. Our new friends the honeybees arrived on the 7th and have been busy busy making and keeping their new home. I love to see them buzzing merrily as the first warming rays reach their hive. The peach trees and blueberry bushes are swelling with buds and our asiatic lilies have poked their heads through the earth. The day before my birthday on Tuesday we planted a colorful selection of heirloom potatoes, the ones pictured with shoots already were found in our over wintered storage-a welcome surprise.
The only hiccup we’ve encountered was at our garlic patch… One morning we found all of the baby shoots nibbled off and the bed run amuck with deer footprints. Although you may have read, as I did, that garlic will deter deer, they seemed to love our healthy fat and tender garlic greens as they did not let even one plant alone. After a brief moment of panic we realized that the bulbs and roots were still viable and spent the rest of the fencing the patch and then giving them a good feeding of organic fertilizer and compost tea. Two days later they were thriving once again with middle shoots coming in vigorously. Give Thanks!
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